Baliles Center

The Baliles Center

Located in Westmoreland County, Longwood University's Baliles Center is a living, breathing outdoor classroom for educational events, research, and other programs.

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A place can inspire everything from exceptional opportunities to indelible memories. Longwood's Gerald L. Baliles Center for Environmental Education at Hull Springs provides a space for our students, faculty and visitors to experience all nature has to offer. Located on a major tributary to the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay, the Baliles Center at Hull Springs is a 662-acre property featuring pine and hardwood forests, constructed and natural wetlands, and long stretches of river amazing backdrop for establishing lifetime bonds among friends and nature.

"It is my hope that Hull Springs Farm will remain protected from overdevelopment and continue to bring joy and happiness to those who now live here and for others in the future."

Mary Farley Ames Lee ’38